Business 101 – Be Original!

Marketing, Sales and Business 101 – Be Original?

Business 101 – Be Original!  What can we learn from Google?  The brainiest brains at Google are constantly improving the way their algorithms read and index websites. They spend a gazillion hours each year going over and perfecting this.

One of the most important things they look for is original content.

If you are posting non-original content, or already have non-original content throughout your website, don’t expect to rank on Google or any other search engines.

Same goes for your customers. Consider them Google experts that are constantly studying your company and yes your sales and marketing efforts. Let’s face it we are constantly impressed and looking for original in other people business and business ideas. We want to learn about things to try. We are looking for things that might make our life easier, better, more exciting, less stressful, live longer stuff etc.

Business 101 – Be Original!

Being original in your marketing and advertising will get you second looks, first buyers, repeat buyers.  Move items around your shop or your web site. Re-doing the sign out front will make a big impact. Believe it or not many times that will make people take a second look like you are new or better. They might even stop by. We all think that.

Separating your company from your competition is essential to the future of your business. Communicating effectively with you customers with original content that changes and stays fresh is the best way to achieve success.  Customers notice more than you think they will on how you communicate. I had a friend that just told me he only heard his boss say one gray word in 35 years of working for him.  Wow!  he kept an account of what his boss said for thirty five year!  Your customer are no different!  They are listening to the words you say on your messaging.  Make your words count.

Start with a powerful Auto Attendant that grabs their attention professionally and impresses them as they call into your business.

Updating your on-hold messaging  is no different. Actually with people calling in and your company being busy you would be surprised how many people will notice your on-hold message changing. If done right they will even buy more, as your promotions messaging change on-Hold.  It always pays to leave your customers on-hold longer with the right message.

Your most effective marketing tool? Your On-Hold Messaging to help services customers better and faster! So think about the impact your are having with each customer that calls into to hear who you are and want you have to offer….That is if you really want to increase your business.

Remember! Business 101 – Be Original!