Marketing is a weak force.

Instead, Marketing is a weak force. Why on earth did you spend all that money on a weak force? Because marketing works as a weak force. Consumers enter an information-laden life world, filled with their own complex personalities and perspectives. It is marketing’s job to gently niggle in a message about your business into that life world. Then, when the stars almost align, if the consumer knows what your company does, knows that you’ll do it reliably and, hey, thinks your company is ‘a good deal’… you’ll get a purchase.

Skimp on marketing at your own peril. You have competitors engaging in this exact same process. Instead, make marketing work as a weak force:

  • engage thensell
  • aim for long-term market goals instead of sales spikes and communicate one thingat one time.

Marketing is a weak force.

That last point is perhaps the most pertinent.  I sometimes speak with clients that wish to include a lot of information in a single phone message. I understand, you want to get your money’s worth, but a complex message that’s hard to remember is worthless compared to a simple message that sticks. If it’s not easy, you’ve lost them.

Remember! Marketing is a weak force. Keep it simple is the best kept secret in life and business.  If you want to aim for the masses and sell products and have customers use the KISS method in putting your information in front of the customer on the On-hold Message.