Have your callers hit your brick wall? Does your on-hold message need a little more oomph?
Call abandonment can be a pesky problem for companies, it not only creates a poor (and memorable) customer experience, but it can also significantly reduce income through lost business. So how do we stop callers from hanging up? Engage and educate them. Give them something meaningful to listen to. It really is as simple as that, if a caller’s engaged with the message then they’re far less likely to feel bored or irritated and put the phone down.
Have your callers hit your brick wall?
So how can you engage your callers through your messaging experience? A great way of doing this is to let them hear testimonials, who knows they might even know the people, give them specials to listen to from your different departments like auto detailing or service at a car dealership. Give bite sized information about getting their wipers replaces or car detailed is far more valuable to them and your company than silence, music or thanks for holding. While varying your content the caller is also more likely to pay attention to your messages.
Have your callers hit your brick wall? You can also choose a topic that is specific to your customer base. A topic that lets the customer know you care and support causes like the local fun run and fund raiser for the blind society coming up later this month. This means that listeners receive unique and targeted news that is more likely to peak their interest, which will of course encourages them to hang on the line. Be different!