Do you have the best Business Message?

Do you have the best Business Message for you Customers?  Most people talk about their experiences more than you want to think.   A great customer service experience and it might get talked about if it is over the top good.  A bad experience and it will have more wings than you would imagine.  Companies spend millions to get the phone to ring….then what?  Customer service is on the front line at that point.  Your phone system is key to customer service and the life line of your business.  Think about this.  If your phone is shut off you are out of business in most peoples minds.  The key is to invite people into your company as they call in and hold them until they can get the service they desire and then walk away feeling like they got the best service possible.

Think about the best customer service that you have received. How did it make you feel? Were you valued, as an individual? Did the service agent take the time to adequately give you all the information you needed? Was it in person, or over the phone? And how do you feel about that company now?

Chances are, your overall brand perception was increased due to the quality of your service. The same can be said in reverse- the worst customer experience you have had will negatively affect your overall business satisfaction.

Even if this poor service does not reflect any other experience with the company, it can cause irreparable damage. According to Zendesk’s 2020 study, half of customers say they would switch to a competitor after just one bad experience. In the case of more than one bad experience, the number climbs to 80%.

Constructing a top notch customer experience should be a priority for a business, and the best on hold messages are targeted, specific, and add value to a call experience.

In crafting the best on hold messages for your business, it is important to consider your industry and target audience. Take for example, retail businesses, local government, and property services.

Service Businesses

Service Businesses are fast paced business environments where individual customer experience directly impacts brand image. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool that can be extremely beneficial or detrimental to a business. When a  customer calls a business, they usually have one question in mind- whether it be about stock, promotions, or location. Understanding and anticipating the customer’s needs allows for businesses to optimize their messages for the best possible experience.

Local Government

The local government sector has a focus on timely and efficient delivery of messages. Residents who call their local government will often have a question in mind before they pick up the phone, allowing for on hold messages to further educate the caller on events, services, and announcements.

Property Services

Property services are often in high demand, with callers expecting timely and efficient service. On Hold Solutions can be utilized for promotional material in all aspects of property.

Ultimately, you know your company and audience better than anyone, and can use those valuable insights to create effective business decisions. To create the best on hold messages for your business, ensure you understand your customer’s needs, and tailor the experience they receive as soon as they pick up their phone.

Be sure to ask yourself…Do you have the best Business Message?