Battling for the Customers Attention

On-Hold Systems took the traditional on-hold perception of ‘boring, repetitive elevator music’, and is moving their clients forward with new, innovative ideas.

Google has recently announced the addition of a feature called ‘Hold for Me’. Simply, it allows your phone to take over the tedious task of waiting on hold, a pain point for many. Call wait times have been exasperated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with companies allowing their wait times to oftentimes exceed an hour (just take a look at!).

Rather than the Google solution of removing customers’ attention from the call completely, On-Hold Systems has taken an approach to benefit businesses- of exceeding expectations, keeping customers engaged, and turning the traditional on hold experience upside down.


People want to call and get an immediate engaging response.  Not over the top but a consistent pleasant and action oriented response from a human voice.  Having a professional human voice or two engage with the customer says you care.  Having the same voice 365 days a year 24/7 helps both the business and the customer know they are calling the right place.  Think about this.  The customer does not see the person they are hearing so seeing someone is not what they are looking for. So giving them a professional experienced voice using a Auto Attendant is really checking all their boxes as far as what they are expecting.

Two Voices

By giving the caller  captivating the callers attention with two voices On-Hold Systems has taken the call experience to a personalized and engaging experience that reduces perceived wait times and adds overall value to the customer’s interaction with your business.

Educational Content

Content is king.  Knowing how to write creative engaging content is imperative.  Gone are the days of silence, just music or a bad repeating message “please hold we will be right back with you” Smart customers are desiring to be engaged and not waist their time.  Once business called us recently and wanted to get our messaging services because a called chewed him out for not providing an engaging informative message for him to listen to.   Customers are not willing to hag on and not “feel serviced”.  Life is to short. So make sure you engage and educate your customers with content they find useful.

Let’s face it- the traditional on hold industry deserves its bad rap, and it is clear to see why companies such as Google are beginning to develop workarounds.  However, on hold messaging provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to optimize their voice channel, gaining customer loyalty, engagement, and trust for the future. Support local and support the best; choose On-Hold Systems